Wherever you are in your career as a photographer, curating and maintaining a blog can be a powerful tool to share your practice and showcase your work. Even if you are an avid hobbyist, sharing your work online can open new doors. Just as with any new equipment, it’s important to learn about all the features and capabilities of a blog and how best to employ its use for maximum impact.
Today, telling your personal story is a powerful way to garner interest in your work. There are a lot of ways you can share your story through blogging; it all depends on what you are looking to accomplish. If you are looking to establish your credentials as a professional photographer, then a blog is the perfect platform to share your expertise. Many photography bloggers will share professional tips, provide reviews of new equipment they acquire or discuss the ways to capture the best possible image in a specific setting. These are all ways to communicate that you have the knowledge and skills to capture exceptional images. You may also want to share personal stories about your practice as a photographer. Things like the places you go, the people you meet, and the things you discover all help to shed some light on you, the person behind the camera. When you share more personal experiences and memories, people feel like they’re on the journey with you. You may be surprised with how many people start to read your blog and connect with you after you share some details about who you are and the work you’re proud of.
Whether you are hosting a gallery page on your blog or focusing on creating a portfolio blog, sharing your images is really what it’s all about. If you have chosen to focus on a specific type of photographic subject in your work, like wildlife, landscapes, or travel, develop a portfolio that shows off the best examples of that kind of work. Consistent, thematic examples of your best work are always better than an eclectic collection. Gallery pages can show all of your best work, but you can also share your work as it is completed by posting blogs about shots and subjects, sharing small collections, or posting single images that represent a particular moment in your artistic life. Every post should include at least one large, attention-grabbing image to give it visual impact when it’s shared on social media.
A photography blog also helps to supply content for social media sharing. Many blogging platforms, like WordPress and Tumblr, allow you to publish on social media platforms simultaneously when you post to your blog. That allows you to share your new post immediately with your followers on multiple platforms. Make sure to allow sharing so that people excited about your work can share it on their own. This will generate a bigger impact each time you post.
These are just a few ways in which to understand the power of using a blog as an up-and-coming photographer. To get the shots you’re looking for, come participate in one of our photography workshops.